Pharmacists - Foreign educational qualifications
Anyone wishing to work as a pharmacist in Baden-Württemberg with a foreign educational qualification requires a permit to practice the pharmacist profession (Berufserlaubnis) or licence (Approbation).
Information on the recognition procedure for foreign educational qualifications
Information sheet recognition process of foreign educational qualifications [pdf]
Application for a permit to practice the pharmacist profession (Berufserlaubnis) [pdf]
Application for a pharmacist licence (Approbation) in case of professional qualification obtained abroad: Third country [pdf] EU [pdf]
Information sheet Theory exam [pdf]
Info-Flyer Professional Recognition of Academic Health Professions [pdf]
Occupational language examination (Fachsprachenprüfung) in German
Pharmacists who have completed their training abroad must have pharmaceutical terminology skills in a profession-specific context at C1 German language level. This is proven in the occupational language examination, which is taken at the Baden-Württemberg State Chamber of Pharmacists [Landesapothekerkammer Baden-Württemberg].
Information on the occupational language examination
Information sheet on the occupational language examination [pdf]
Application form for the occupational language examination [pdf]